Prophetic Word: A New Day is Coming
I believe that on December 21, 2021, we not only entered the season of winter, but a new season in God's timeline. This is a period of time that begins in 2021 and carries us into 2022, the start of the new year. The winter solstice was on December 21, marking the longest night of the year that leads into the days growing brighter and brighter from then on out. The way I discovered this was oddly prophetic. For a few days before the 21st, I felt prompted to look up the biblical prophetic meaning of the number 21. The thought kept coming back to me, so I finally did. I opened a book on biblical numbers, and the author started talking about was how the winter solstice often falls on December 21st or 22nd each year. I believe God is speaking. Many people have been in a long process that has felt very much like an endlessly long, dark night. For some people, this has been a 3 year or more long process. You've seen the Lord working, you hear him speaking, but you haven't seen the light of the new day yet. The number 21 is 7 X 3. Biblically, there is a pattern that both of these numbers represent completion and perfection. For example:
God created the heavens and the earth in 7 days. Process completed.
Jesus tells the disciples to forgive others 70x7. This represents completion.
Jesus died and rose again 3 days later. Process completed.
Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Process was completed.
Jesus restored Peter by asking him a question 3 times. Process completed.
There are many more patterns in the Bible with these numbers (along with many other significant numbers.) Shout out to God for not only speaking through the written word, but through numerical values. For those of you skeptical, I recommend doing some research on this yourself! However, on 12/21/2021, we see the number 21, 21, 21. We can look at this and see three 7's and three 3's (7x3, 7x3, 7x3). To me, that looks a whole like "perfect, perfection, complete completion." I want to prophesy to you today that the dark night season is coming to a perfect completion in your life. You are officially entering a new season on God's timeline. The dawn is breaking. A year ago, God began to speak to me about the phrase "It's always darkest before the dawn." (You can read that word right here.) And I believe that now, the dawn is finally starting to break. A new day is coming.
I feel like the Lord has given me a few pieces of encouragement for this new season that I will share in parts on my blog. I shared part 1 last week which you can read here: God is Still Writing Your Story. Today, I want to talk about how God is releasing new shoes for your new kingdom assignments this year!
New Shoes, New Assignments
I love fairytales. Many of them carry timeless messages if we delve deep into them. One of my favorites is Cinderella. God has used this story to speak to me in beautiful ways. I recently released a prophetic word on Instagram that resonated with many people. I posted a photo of the moment when Cinderella tries on the glass slipper at the end of the Disney version movie, revealing the true owner of the shoe. Here's what I said along with the graphic:
"You were made for what's coming. The shoe is a perfect fit. Joy is coming! Your situation hasn't made sense, but joy is coming that won't make sense."
In the story of Cinderella, we know that her glass slippers won't fit just anyone. They were custom-made by her fairy godmother. And apparently, she had one-of-a-kind feet. Here are a few insights to what I feel the Lord may be saying to encourage us.
Custom-Made Shoes
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 NIV In this season, God is custom-making your shoes to run for the season ahead. No one else can fill your shoes. You are not made to fill anyone else's shoes. Your assignments in this new season will be tailor-made for you. For some of you, things have felt out of place - something has felt like it is missing. Like putting puzzle pieces together, you feel like there's been a missing piece. The missing piece of the puzzle is coming, and the more full, and complete picture will be made known to you. God will finish what He starts. It's key to remember the responsibility that comes with a custom-made assignment. It means that you are most likely going to stand out. You will be set apart, but in a radiant kind of way. The kind of way that you glow, you radiate with the glory of God. I think of how all eyes were on Cinderella as she entered the ballroom in her dress and slippers. God wants to do something special in your life, and it may cause others to marvel at you. Like Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters, others may look down on you. But it's time to shine with confidence in all of who God made you to be. No apologies, no excuses. Take up your assignments, put on your shoes, and get ready to dance. It's your time to go to the ball.
The Perfect Fit
We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! Ephesian 2:10 TPT There is nothing more uncomfortable than a pair of shoes that don't fit. You can barely walk, and if you decide to wear them anyway, your feet can hurt for days. There is going to be a clarity that comes for you about what is not meant for you. This includes options, decisions, assignments, relationships that may even look good, but they are not God. It's okay to try the shoes on, because when you find out what doesn't work in your life, it solidifies your decisions! When you can define a clear "no," you can also define and identify your "yes." Not every pair of shoes is meant for you. But there is a perfect fit that God is tailor-making for you. If it doesn't feel right, maybe it's not. Prayer activation: God, give me discernment about what shoes are meant for me, what assignments are mine—and which ones are not—in this new season. Thank you for the new shoes that are being delivered to me, before I can see them! Thank you that they will be a perfect fit.
Anointed with Purpose
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
The story of Cinderella holds parallels to the story of David being chosen as King over Israel. Have you seen it before? When Samuel came to Jesse to look for the King God wanted to anoint, like Cinderella trying on the glass slipper to become a princess, David was left out of the moment. However, even though David's father overlooked his son, the Lord saw him. God saw something in David, the shepherd boy, that others didn't see. He was the chosen one. In this past season, God will come looking for you. Like the prince coming to look for Cinderella (a beautiful picture of our Bridegroom coming for us) or like God sending Samuel to anoint David as King, God knows where to find you. He will make sure you are not overlooked. It's all about God's appointed time. What's interesting about both of these stories, is that Cinderella met the prince and then the moment ended when the clock struck midnight. She went back to regular life. The same happened for David. He was anointed King, but it would be years before His assigment would come to fruition. But the DELAY did not DETER the fairytale ending for Cinderella. The DELAY did not DETER David from becoming king. It was the delay that prepared David for the calling God had placed on his life. For some of you, God has already anointed you and placed an assignment on your life. The process has confused you. The process has puzzled you. But this is all a part of God's process. This is why the PERFECT FIT is COMING. You don't have to go out and chase it. Cinderella didn't chase after the prince (that's a word for someone) and David didn't try to steal the throne as King. The prince came looking for Cinderella, and Samuel came looking David. God will come looking for you too! You will not miss you assignment. The shoe will fit. The anointing oil that touched your life is on you for a special reason. Trust the process and trust His timing.
A Time to Dance
...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance... Ecclesiastes 3:4
I had a dream two years ago I was changing out of shoes that once fit, but were now too small for me. I was wearing black mourning clothes, like you'd wear to a funeral. God was saying it was time for a season of mourning to end. He was saying I have outgrown that season. And you know what he was preparing me for? A dance class! I was going to put on new ballet shoes so I could dance. I feel this is a right now word for some people. Your season of disappointment is ending, but you have to take those mourning shoes off so you can dance. Maybe you did everything in your power, and things didn't work out the way you prayed and hope. Like the clothes that were too small in the dream, don't let your thinking be too small! God can do more than you can ask, think, or imagine. God is preparing the stage for you, but he is inviting you to do your part by changing out of the ways of the old season before you step into the new one. You must put on the new shoes and get some practice in before he puts you on stage. The time to dance is coming!
Then shall the young women rejoice in the dance,
and the young men and the old shall be merry.
I will turn their mourning into joy;
I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13-14
Wouldn't it be a shame if we wasted our time weeping when God is saying it's now time to rejoice? I know the past season may have been hard, but the season is changing. Can you see it yet? It's the dawning of a new day!
Prophetic Word: Messengers called to ascend the hill of the Lord
When I posted the word on instagram, I had an unusual amount of people message me saying they recently bought new shoes. Some people said they felt prompted by the Lord to get shoes. And I noticed another similar pattern—several people said they bought specifically white shoes! White is a color associated with purity the Bible.
Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7
The white shoes made me think of this verse: Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god. Psalm 24:3-4
God is getting many people ready to run into a new season of new assignments. He is raising up messengers that will have a pure heart and mind and lifestyle, ready to ascend the hill of the Lord. In the times we are in right now, God is taking the Church through continual refinement and purification. Some of you have been forerunners in this process because you are called to carry the messages of the Lord wherever he sends you. It may be in your home with your family, your workplace, social media, your city, to people of influence, or to the "least of these." There is no assignment too small in this hour. You are needed. It will require your obedience, boldness, and just saying "yes" in the middle of your inadequacy and weakness. He will equip you and qualify you!
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16 NIV
Remember, blessed are the feet of those who bring good news! It's also important to remember that purity is not about being "perfect." Through Jesus alone, we can be completely cleansed, made whole, and washed by the blood of the Lamb! He is the only one who forgives our sins and washes away the past. A new beginning is available in Him, whether we messed up 10 years ago or yesterday. Get your heart right again with him today. He's waiting. He doesn't want you to miss out on what's coming!
How to Keep Growing in Hearing God's Voice If you'd like to learn more about hearing God's voice, developing the prophetic gift through practical training, and growing your relationship with Jesus, I want to invite you to join the waitlist for my next online prophetic school! All the love, Mariel
P.S. Have you gotten my new book, Prophetic Promises, yet? Check it out here! It's all about navigating your adventure to God's promises for your life. I hope it encourages you!All the love,

is an author, speaker, and prophetic mentor. Her heart is to encourage this generation with right-now prophetic words that reignite hope during the waiting between a prophetic promise and its fulfillment. Through her ministry, the Embolden Co., she holds seasonal prophetic mentorships, training programs, and retreats to empower people around the world to develop their spiritual gifts and hear God for their lives—so they can bring revival to the nations. Follow her on Instagram here.
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Blog tags: Your New Season is Here - Prophetic Word 2022 Pt 2, Prophetic, prophetic words, prophetic word 2025, prophetic gift, Hebraic calendar, Christian Prophetic ministry, prophetic word of the year, prophetic gift, daily devotional, prophetic words 2024, prophetic message, prophetic word 2025,