Prophetic Word | Your Esther Victory Is Coming
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” - Esther 4:14, Mordecai to Esther
We are in a special prophetic season. It is time for God's Esthers—the hidden and called ones—to arise and shine for such a time as this!
From the evening of March 23 to the evening of March 24, 2023, we enter the Feast of Lots on the Jewish Calendar, otherwise known as Purim. This Jewish feast is a time to celebrate the deliverance of the Jews by the bravery and obedience of Queen Esther!
Purim and Casting Lots
Interesting fact: Purim is also called the Feast of Lots because the wicked Haman cast lots (kind of like a lottery) to determine which day he would annihilate the entire race of the Jews.
When the enemy tries to mess with God's people, the chips always fall in his favor.
Through the brave obedience of Esther, His plan failed... and with Purim, we've been celebrating ever since!
So what is the prophetic significance for us, and how can we practically apply it to our lives today?
Prophetic Meaning: Esther, Hadassah, the Myrtle Tree
In the story of Esther, we find a young Jewish girl named Hadassah, which means myrtle. In the Bible, the myrtle tree is sign of God's promised blessings for Israel.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”
Isaiah 55:12-13
Hadassah, the myrtle tree, grows in harsh, unfavorable conditions... but you'd never know it because of the beauty and symmetry of the myrtle tree. The unique patterns in the bark of the tree speak of the struggle and strain it takes to grow in the wilderness.
It was the perfect name for Hadassah, who was given the new name of Esther to enter into her new, divine assignment.
The name Esther is of Persian origin and means "star" and it may be related to the goddess Ishtar.
Additionally, the name Esther is thought to be forged from the Hebrew root s-t-r, which means "hide," in reference to the Persian queen's hidden identity. (Reference)
Esther entered the king's court hidden in disguise. God hid her as a quiver in his weaponry as she went into a foreign culture that served other gods. She would go from hidden to rising and shining, like a star.
After many months of (probably painful) beauty and preparation treatments, she was miraculously favored and chosen above her competition to become queen.
But the favor on her life wasn't just for her benefit.
God chose her to deliver her people, the Jews, from the wicked plot of a man named Haman—a task only fit for a queen in favorable standing with a powerful king. And Esther answered the call. When her hour came to SPEAK UP and USE HER VOICE, she did so with grace and wisdom and bravery.
As a result, God's hidden hand performed a powerful turnaround to save his people ... and the enemy that sought to kill the Jews hung on his own gallows.
Are You An Esther?
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” - Esther 4:14 Mordecai to Esther
Do you feel a stirring in your heart to rise as an Esther in this time?
Like the Myrtle tree, have you gone through a process of growth and preparation in your wilderness season?
Has God kept you in a hidden, set-apart season to prepare you for your purpose?
Do you see the injustices done on the earth and feel a passion growing to raise your voice and fight for God's will to be done?
Are you willing to obey God and do the right thing no matter the cost?
You are an Esther! God is positioning his people and releasing divine assignments for this hour that may catch you by surprise ... but you will be prepared when your moment of destiny arrives.
Esthers, You Will Crush the Head of Your Enemy!
I had a dream toward the start of March in which I saw my heel. It was so swollen that it was oddly shaped - it would be just about impossible to walk without a limp.
I heard the Lord say, "Esther, the enemy may have bruised your heel, but you will crush his head!" I was immediately reminded of Genesis 3:15 (NLT) "And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Many Esthers, daughters of God, have been facing unusual warfare of the enemy as we head into the open door of 2024.
Again, I heard the Lord saying, "Esthers, the enemy may have bruised your heel, but you will crush his head! What the enemy plotted against you may have caused you to be paralyzed for a moment, but my victory for you is coming. This is your ESTHER HOUR OF GREAT VICTORY.
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19 NIV The very enemy who has sought to break you down and destroy your walk with me is going to be crushed. He will be caught in the trap he set for you. I will use every attack sent against you to reveal my powerful hidden hand in your life! Raise your voice, daughters. Do not let the enemy trample you. You are going to shake off the poison of the serpent's venomous lies of doubt, unbelief, condemnation, and shame. Arise in your authority, let the enemy hear your voice in prayer. Let the fragrance of your worship fill the atmosphere. It is sending the enemy running.
These attacks are coming right before MOMENTS OF DIVINE DESTINY AND SETUP. I am placing before you an open door. The enemy has tried to trip you up, to stop you from moving forward, but you must not give up. You must come up higher and ascend into my presence through praise, gratitude, joy that doesn't make sense, and faith--even just the size of a mustard seed. I want to show you what I am preparing you for."

I hear the Lord saying, "Continue to prepare. Continue to seek me. Do what you can with actionable steps of faith to get ready for the day destiny calls.
I am going to REDEEM the time lost. With my upper, hidden hand, I am going to prepare a beautiful and victorious outcome for not just you—but those I am calling you to battle for.
Your willingness to lay down your life and obey me, no matter the cost is so precious to me. Your obedience to follow me, even when the cost is high, is not just going to release a flood of blessings in your life, but it will bring breakthrough to those connected to you– Your family, loved ones, your community—your "people!
Arise and shine, Esthers! Your hour of victory is coming!"
Esther: God's Hidden Hand in the Palace
A beautiful aspect of Esther's story is that we see the hidden hand of God at work.
God is not mentioned in the book of Esther ... but her story is included in the Bible because we see His hidden hand at work through the divine timing and circumstances of the beautiful story of victory.
In the same way, God's hidden hand is at work in your life. He is moving the right pieces into place. He is opening doors meant for your destiny. He is shutting doors to guide you, protect you, and bring you redemption and hope.
Even when you can't see Him... Esther's story reminds us that Jesus truly is WORKING behind the scenes!
It was not luck or coincidence that Esther came into her royal position .... it was the divine timing and hidden hand of God at work.
Like a detailed tapestry, Jesus is weaving everything together in our lives.... you may only see a chaotic mess of strings and colors ... but wait for the revealing of the bigger picture.
The grand view of what He had been doing this whole time. He creates purpose from pain, always making beauty out of your ashes. He is THAT good!
He is a Master Artist and a Perfect Author in our lives. When we see a dead end, He always has a surprise twist in store.
Have faith ... He is working in the hidden places of your life to promote you in the right time!
Ruth: God's Hidden Hand in the Field
In the story of Ruth, we also see God's hidden hand at work. I can't help but mention Ruth in this time, as the Lord has been speaking to me about her journey with Naomi from devastation and loss into total restoration.
Through loss in tragedy in chapter one of Ruth, God's hidden hand works in such a way to bring Ruth into divine destiny, just as he does for Esther.
While Esther's moment of destiny was in the high position of a palace, Ruth's moment of divine appointment was in a lowly position, gleaning in a field.
From being at the right place at the right time, Ruth comes into the favor of Boaz. As the story goes on, Ruth has a moment of bravery and obedience like Esther, and she positions herself at the feet of Boaz and asks him to become their family's protector.
As a result, Boaz becomes Ruth's kinsman-redeemer.
God is going to place his people in both the palaces and the fields in this season. Do not underestimate how God's hidden hand can turn everything for good in your life, in just a few short chapters.
You will find favor in the palace and favor in the field. God knows where to find you.
Trust his hidden hand!
Prophetic Word for Adar 2: Double Joy for Your Trouble
The feast of Purim falls in the Jewish month of Adar, which speaks of strength. This month also has a traditional saying that goes with it: "When the month of Adar arrives, we increase in joy."
With the month of Adar and the feast of Purim, we are reminded that "the Joy of the Lord is our strength." What a perfect reminder for our current season!
With it being a LEAP YEAR, the month of Adar occurs twice. It's time for double joy for your trouble.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4
While you face trials and tests at the threshold of destiny in 2024, expect God to turn it all around, with a bigger harvest in your coming season.
So do not lose heart. Stay on assignment. Stay close to Jesus. It will be worth it.
Like Esther, God is calling you to destiny for our times. His joy will be your strength as you step into the divine moment he is preparing you for.
God has called you with a purpose!
You were born for such a time as this to make an impact for God's kingdom.
Did this word encourage you? I invite you to sow a seed into my ministry, Embolden!

My New Book: Prophetic Promises
All of God's promises are Yes and Amen for Your Life
My new prophetic devotional-style book, Prophetic Promises, is officially launched! This is more than a book. It's a prophetic message for a generation. God is preparing his people to enter into the promised land he has for us. No matter the reports of the giants or the impossibilities and roadblocks we face, God is going to bring breakthrough and fulfill his word in our lives in this time. Check out the book here on my website or on Amazon!
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About the Author

Mariel is a writer, speaker, and prophetic mentor. Her heart is to encourage this generation with right-now prophetic words that reignite hope during the waiting between a prophetic promise and its fulfillment. Through her ministry, the Embolden Co., she holds seasonal prophetic mentorships, training programs, and retreats to empower people around the world to develop their spiritual gifts and hear God for their lives—so they can bring revival to the nations. You can follow her on social media on Instagram @Mariel_Villarreal_ and Tiktok @Mariel.Villarreal and Facebook @TheEmboldenCompany to get more prophetic encouragement!
Tags: prophetic word 2024, Esther prophetic word 2024, Prophetic, prophetic words, Prophetic ministry, prophetic word of the year, prophetic gift, daily devotional, prophetic words 2024, prophetic message, Esther Devotion, Esther Prophetic Word, Esther 4:14, For Such a Time as This Devotional, Christian crew neck for women Esther 4:14 for such a time as this, Prophetic Word | Your Esther Victory Is Coming