God still moves in times and seasons, and while we are not under the Old Testament, I believe God stills moves in seasons according to this Hebraic calendar. That's why I like to pay attention to it.
On our regular calendar, the year 2020 has been something else. We all know that, and we all know why.
So, while I look forward to see what God will say and do every year around the Jewish New Year, this year seems especially significant. We need a word from God.
What is Rosh Hashanah and why is it prophetically significant?
Rosh Hashanah is the head of the Jewish New Year. It typically falls around September or October every year. It is the 5th of 7 Jewish feasts, and it is known as the Feast of Trumpets. We are currently in the Jewish year 5780. We are about to enter year, 5781.
I read a great article that talks about how "Jesus is the fulfillment of each of the 7 feasts, and collectively, the feasts are God’s prophetic calendar!"
This year, Rosh Hashanah will begin in the evening of Friday, September 18 and ends in the evening of Sunday, September 20
The following 10 days are Yom Kippur, also known as the "Days of Awe". This is a time to repent and ask forgiveness for sins.
What does God have in store for the year on His calendar?
I hadn't given much thought or prayer to asking God for a word for this year, but then I had an unusual dream that stirred me.
But before we get into that, let's talk a little bit about dreams. If you've heard me talk about dreams before, I always talk about their biblical significance. What's more, there is a great Scriptural foundation for the gift of dream interpretation.
We can look at experiences of Joseph, Daniel, Joseph Jesus' father, and even Pontius Pilate's wife to see where God used dreams to shift nations, rulers, and even speak into the birth and death of Jesus Christ our Savior. All that to say, dreams have played an important role in Biblical history—and God still speaks through dreams today.
There are several types of dreams: dreams from the soul (mind, will and emotions), dreams from the enemy (attacking dreams, nightmares/terrors), and dreams from God. I believe that if we ask the Holy Spirit to counsel us in all of our dreams, we can get wisdom for our lives. A big thing we need to learn to do as believers is to begin to discern what dreams are from our soul and what dreams are from God. Our desires and worries often infiltrate our dream life, and we must remember that not every dream is from God. There's a lot to say on that topic.
If you'd like to learn more about dreams, let me know if you would be interested in a dreaming and dream interpretation online class!
A Prophetic Dream: Crown-Shaped Fruit
I had a dream on August 20, 2020. A friend took me on a surprise joyride in a Jeep at midnight. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't care. I was completely carefree. She drove us into a cemetery, right on top of a grave stone. I looked in front of me, and I saw a beautiful green bush covered with fruit in the shape of crowns.
I looked at the fruit in the dream and became overcome with emotion and started to cry, "This is just what I wanted!" I said. In the dream, I guess I knew exactly what the fruit represented—but it was a mystery to me in real, waking life.
As an afterthought, I looked down to see what was written on the gravestone. It was a name of a personal price that I paid in my last painful season, essentially remaining faithful under very difficult circumstances.
Then, the dream switched to a new scene. I saw the crown shaped fruit, but it looked much bigger and it was getting ready to be served. Surprisingly, it reminded me of slices cranberry sauce that is popular at Thanksgiving.
I woke up from the dream.
Hide and Seek with God
Dreams are a mystery—they are often symbolic parables for our lives. Jesus spoke in parables, because He hid the meaning and heart behind what He really wanted to say for those who would seek Him. Those who are hungry will seek out the message God is giving. God only hides himself so we will pursue him. It's not to tease us or remain a mystery. It's an invitation to know Him more and hear His wisdom and truth. Our search prepares us to receive His word to us.
"At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was well-pleasing in Your sight." Luke 10:25-26
When dreams come up in conversations, a phrase I often hear is, "I had this dream... but it didn't mean anything!"
Friend, what if it did? What if God used something ordinary to speak an extraordinary message to you? Food for thought.
Anyways, as a typical practice, I research different symbols that I see in my dreams. I use Scripture as the main reference point, but I will google things for general meanings as well.
The next day, I decided to google crown-shaped fruit to see if there was something I would learn from my dream.
I didn't search long, but two types of fruit came up. The first was a complicated name: Buah Mahkota Dewa. Anybody heard of it before? Me neither! I spent most of my time looking into this strange fruit, but nothing I found struck me as relevant. Then, I saw a few things about pomegranates—but didn't look into it much.
Then, the naturally supernatural happened! Spying the Fruit
The following day, I was taking my puppy, Sebastian, out for a walk near my mom's house in the country.
Suddenly, something caught my eye.
No way. Could it be? Pomegranates!?
There are apple trees and two pomegranate bushes in the field across from my mother's house. Over the past 12 years since she has live in this home, I have seen one—maybe two—pomegranates ever appear on either of those bushes. I wasn't even sure if it was truly a pomegranate that I saw, and I wondered why they never bore fruit.
Anyways, I had forgotten about those bushes...until this day.
They were filled with over 20 big pomegranates!
I took a closer look and noticed the "crown" on the top of the fruit. It looked just like the fruit in my dream!

Do you see the crown?
It was hard to believe my eyes. I began to realize God was speaking a word to me.
Prophetic Word On Pomegranates + Rosh Hashanah
A quick Google search told me that pomegranates are a big part of Rosh Hashanah celebrations! The revelation kept unfolding.
It was believed for a long time that pomegranates each contained 613 seeds, and there are 613 commandments in the Torah. Over time, they have discovered that the number of seeds vary in pomegranates—but pomegranates still represent the Torah.
Rabbi Jill Jacobs of My Jewish Learning writes, "On the second night of Rosh Hashanah, it is common to eat a new fruit—a fruit that participants have not tasted for a long time. This tradition has become a way to literally taste the newness of the year, by enjoying an unfamiliar food. The pomegranate has also long been a symbol of fertility, and thus of the unlimited possibilities for the new year."
Here is some prophetic insight for the New Year I felt to share with you from my dream, the prophetic happening, and corresponding Scriptures.
In the dream, it was the midnight hour. Many feel like it is the MIDNIGHT HOUR. The last deadline. When it seems like time has run out, God is MEETING the DEADLINE. He usually doesn't come on our timelines, but when He comes, He is right on time.
We can look at the story of Cinderella, for example. She was late to the ball. She almost missed it. She showed up LATE. but she was RIGHT ON TIME. Due to the fact she was LATE, she stood out at the ball, and the king could recognize her. It changed the course of her destiny. God works all things together for good!
(Cinderella's story is a picture of the life of David. When Samuel came to Jesse to anoint one of his sons as a future king, Jesse brought out every son but David. He was doing the dirty work in the field...like CINDER - Ella. She was left to do the chores and had soot on her face because she slept by the ashes of the fire. She was not called out to come and try the glass slipper on. YET. God chose David to be King, and Cinderella was chosen to be Queen.)
In my dream, we came into a graveyard. I wasn't paying attention to the tombstones and death, but I was there to see the NEW LIFE, the GARDEN, the CROWN FRUIT that appeared!
But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, My servant will be as well. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26 Jesus said it himself: seeds have to die in the ground before they can bear fruit. For the areas that are dead and lifeless, God is bringing RESURRECTION POWER in this HOUR to those lifeless things. It can be to dreams that have died, those valuable things you have laid on the altar. The things that you have given up control over and given to God. The plans that you've had. God will honor the things that you have given up and let die. Do you not know he is faithful?
"You turn graves into gardens. You're the only one who can."
Mary Magdalene was found crying at Jesus' grave after he died. She didn't know the season had already shifted from mourning to joy. She was still staring at the past. But Jesus was already risen! When he appeared to her in that garden, she mistook him for the GARDENER of the graveyard. But Jesus appearing as a gardener to Mary had a special meaning. God is the Gardener, like it says in John 15. Gardeners know that the process of death often brings life. He is the one who truly turns our graves into gardens.
The crown fruit was the main focus of my dream. As we are faithful to let God prune us like it talks about in John 15, he is preparing us to be more fruitful in the future. Pruning often feels like death. We are letting God shut the wrong doors, cut away things from our lives that are both good (bearing fruit) and not good (branches that need to be thrown out.) He takes away jobs, dreams, relationships, connections, opportunities, material things - but it is with the goal to make us more fruitful later.
He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful. John 15:2
Some of us have felt like the pruning has been unending without any sign of FRUIT. But do you know that you were pruned so intensely because God has been preparing to BLOOM you? Many have spent years in pruning seasons, but I believe this pomegranate tree blooming fully for the first time in the natural is the Lord saying, "The fruit is coming. Your obedience and labor was not in vain. I have seen your faithfulness to follow me. To not love your life unto death. I will send the fruit...but it's not your doing! You can rest now because the fruit is coming and it will be TANGIBLE. You will taste and see—FULLY EXPERIENCE—new fruit blooming in your life."
"In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born," says the Lord. "If I cause you the pain, I will not stop you from giving birth to your new nation," says your God." Isaiah 66:9
We can feel like we are waiting on a promise for so long, having taken every step of obedience we know to take...only to be left wondering where is the FULFILLMENT of the promise? Will it ever happen? But God does not promise without bringing something to pass.
As this pomegranate tree bloomed around the time of Rosh Hashanah, I believe God is speaking a word about the timing of his promises. This year, we will see many long-awaited promises unfold. When we submit to His will, His way, we get His results. It is time.
Moses sent out spies into the Promised Land. He specifically said to them,
"Be of good courage and bring some of the fruit of the land.” Numbers 13:20
So, Caleb and Joshua and the spies do just that.
"And they came to the Valley of Eshcol and cut down from there a branch with a single cluster of grapes, and they carried it on a pole between two of them; they also brought some pomegranates and figs." Numbers 12:23
As you read here, pomegranates were brought back by the 12 spies when they return from scouting out the Land of Canaan. It was a physical sign of the good that God was preparing for them.
They chose, however, to believe the negative report of a few of the spies because of the enemies in the land. They believed the negative report over God's promises.
As we enter into this New Year, God is bringing many into long-awaited promised lands. Many have been wandering in personal wildernesses for a season and a time, but the season is shifting, but personally and corporately for the Body of Christ.
It will require: 1. Courage
2. Believe God's report over the negative report
3. Leaving the familiar of the wilderness behind
4. Staying in-step with God
The promised land is ahead, friends. Through obedience and trials, do you believe that God has been making a way in the wilderness and springs in the desert? It is time to start moving ahead in the New Jewish Year 5781.

Here's a photo of some of the pomegranates I picked with the bushes in the background! I can't wait to share the testimony of what God does in my own life this Jewish New Year. Please reach out to me if you have an incredible testimony of God moving in your life, too!
Thanks for being here, friend! All the love,
P.S. Do you want a special keepsake of God's promises for your life? Check out my Prophetic Pomegranate Seed of Promise necklaces! I created my Prophetic Promises necklace collection to raise funds for my ministry, the Embolden Co. Each delicate necklace is hand made by me with high-quality materials! Check out the whole shop here!

is a writer, speaker, and prophetic mentor. Her heart is to encourage this generation with right-now prophetic words that reignite hope during the waiting between a prophetic promise and its fulfillment. Through her ministry, the Embolden Co., she holds seasonal prophetic mentorships, training programs, and retreats to empower people around the world to develop their spiritual gifts and hear God for their lives—so they can bring revival to the nations. Follow her on Instagram here.
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Blog tags: Prophetic, prophetic words, Prophetic ministry, prophetic word of the year, prophetic gift, daily devotional, prophetic words 2023, prophetic message, prophetic word on pomegranates, pomegranate prophetic meaning