"Come away with me. It's not too late. It's never too late. It's never too late for you. I have a plan for you. I have a plan for you. It's gonna be wild, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be full of Me." -Come Away, United Pursuit
In this time, many are feeling hopeless about the future. Yet I hear the Father asking us to come away, spend time with him, and trust Him again. He has a plan.
I have a word specifically to share with women.
A Prophetic Word for the Daughters of God
Dear Daughters,
Remember that you are capable. You are qualified for all that God calls you to do. You have a unique destiny. You have an irreplaceable in the story God is writing. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith. It is not time to be in despair over your promises. God is faithful, and in his timing, he will fulfill His perfect plan for you. Do not give into comparison. It's time for women to encourage and strengthen one another.
"Do not think that because it hasn't happened yet, it will never happen," I feel like the Lord is saying. Many of you are pregnant with the promises of God. When it's a God-thing, one He can bring it to pass. We labor when it's time, but ultimately, it's HIS work! You didn't see this year coming, but God did. Many of you have taken or will take leaps of faith in this LEAP YEAR. You can jump, knowing you are leaping into the Father's arms. He won't let you fall. Trust him through this unknown period. He won't let you miss out on what he has for you.
We can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps.
Psalm 16:9
It is time to pray like never before. Don't fall asleep in the midnight hour! What if the water breaks on your promise at a time YOU DON'T EXPECT IT? Be prepared, God may surprise you with how he moves suddenly in your situation.
Daughter, remember it takes an impossible situation to see a miracle unfold. Pray, pray, pray, and be still. Pray until you see the breakthrough happen.
It's time for strategic alignments. Ask God to shut the wrong doors on those not meant for this season and open the door to the right ones. Isaiah 22:22 is your prayer. Let God prune your relationships to bloom you!
God sees every tear you cry. He is the one who binds up the brokenhearted. I hear him say, "This time will not be like the last time!" Trust him as you take a step into the new.
Lastly, ladies, I feel the urgency to pray for the men in your life and your city—strength, boldness, purity, integrity, and wisdom. Pray for the hardest of hearts to see a total transformation. God. Can. Do. It. Ask God for eyes to see what your prayers do in the spiritual realm. You will catch a new glimpse of your authority.
To those reading this, I say pay attention to your dreams. You've been praying for guidance and wisdom, and maybe God is answering you while you sleep. Ask him to speak to you this way!
If you could see the pride in your Father's eyes when he looks at you, you'd never doubt your worth again. Ask him to encounter you with his love today. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are enough—just as you are.
Prophetic Word Daughters Arise: The War-Cry of the Mothers
The daughters of God are arising.
God is specifically calling mothers—the ones with the newborns, toddlers, and homeschoolers at home.
Ladies who do not have children—will you answer the call to mother a generation? Your influence, your wisdom, your guidance is needed in this time.
I see an army of women with strollers standing up to speak on behalf of those who are victimized and oppressed. I see a strong army of women, united as one, roaring like lionesses. As they release a war cry, they are running fearlessly toward the enemy that has tried to attack our children and youth. Watch as the enemy flees at the sound of the women arising! The enemy has lied to you and told you that you can't make a difference; that you are stuck at home, and you are missing out on your destiny—but God is bringing truth! You are called to raise the next generation. You are called to let your voice be heard. You will plunder the camp of the enemy. The flame of revival is igniting mothers on social media, podcasts, and blogs in their homes. It's going to cause family members and children to COME HOME.
It is not time to be silent, but a time to speak up, women of God!
As you release your voices, the breakthrough will come.
Revival is coming to your homes. The fire of God will restore families and new place callings on many. Sons and fathers will restore their relationships. Healing will come.
One encounter with God changes everything.
The Lord gives the command;
a great company of women proclaim it:
"Kings and their armies flee in haste;
she who waits at home divides the plunder. -Psalm 68:11-12
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. - Romans 16:20
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About the Author: Mariel Villarreal

Mariel is a writer, speaker, and prophetic mentor. Her heart is to encourage this generation with right-now prophetic words that reignite hope during the waiting between a prophetic promise and its fulfillment. Through her ministry, the Embolden Co., she holds seasonal prophetic mentorships, training programs, and retreats to empower people around the world to develop their spiritual gifts and hear God for their lives—so they can bring revival to the nations. You can follow her on social media on Instagram @Mariel_Villarreal_ and Tiktok @Mariel.Villarreal and Facebook @TheEmboldenCompany to get more prophetic encouragement!
tags: Prophetic, prophetic words, Prophetic ministry, prophetic word of the year, prophetic gift, daily devotional, prophetic words 2023, prophetic message, prophetic word daughter's arise