For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks and fountains and springs that flow through the valleys and hills; a land of wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey...
Deuteronomy 8:8 BSB
It's time to Prepare for your Prophetic Promises!
Are you contending for a prophetic promise from God?
Are you tired of feeling stuck in the wilderness and want to get breakthrough?
Do you feel no one understands your walk with God and the unique ways he speaks to you?
Do you long for a passionate community of Jesus followers that will encourage you and pray for you?
Do you need help discerning God's voice, direction, and wisdom so you can take the next steps forward into your new season?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this mentorship is for you!
It's time to leave the wilderness behind and step into your long-awaited prophetic promises!
In the waiting between a promise given and a promise fulfilled, we can start to lose hope. Do you relate? The truth is, when God makes a promise He intends to fulfill it.
In Isaiah 54, Sarah receives a powerful reminder of her prophetic promise from God.
God asks her to do something wild—SING and REJOICE before she holds the promise in her arms.
He asks her to GET READY before her answer to her prayer arrives.
In this season, many are pregnant with promise just like Sarah.
The waiting has been long and the process has been unbearable at times.
I believe right now God is calling his women to get their hopes up again. It's time to prepare—your promises are closer than they appear.
Jesus is calling His brides to make room!
During this mentorship, we will seek God together in community to go after breakthrough in your prophetic promises.
Make Room for the Promise!

“Sing, barren woman,
you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband,”
says the Lord.
“Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations
and settle in their desolate cities.
Isaiah 54:1-3 NIV

Through this mentorship, I want to empower women just like you believe again for your God-given promises—so you can possess all God has for you.
Meet your mentor
Hi, I'm Mariel! I've mentored women from all over the world who desire to be confident in their calling and in their relationship with God. I know what it's like to carry a prophetic promise from God. The journey is beautiful but often confusing and lonely. It's hard to find others who understand your process and truly support you in your journey of believing God for a promise that may seem impossible to those without eyes of faith to see. I have been there before, and I don't want it to be that way for you! It's time to contend for God's promises together, in community, with others who will pray for you and encourage you and stand with you for the breakthrough!

You are Bursting
with Promise!
You are not alone on this journey. So many women are weary from the process and waiting (many have been in this process for years!) for the prophetic promises they have been carrying.
This mentorship will provide a space for breakthrough and support to help those women who are in need of the final push to cross over into all God has for them.
Prophetic Promises
Group Mentorship Details
This is an interactive online group mentorship focused on
supporting you in your prophetic promises!
About the Sessions
Every time we meet, there will be Holy Spirit-led times of prayer, prophesying,
group discussion, dream interpretation, teaching, prophetic activations, and more!
We will cultivate a space to invite the presence of God to move
and grow in connection with one another.
Here's what to expect:
+ Bi-weekly 2-hour focused live group mentoring sessions
+ Access to the online prophetic community
+ Small groups to connect outside of live sessions
+ Occasional additional live prayer meetings
+ Potential opportunity for an in-person event
When is the mentorship?
Update: Postponed until May/June
Bi-weekly live meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month
Live Sessions time by time zone
(by time zone)
Additional Live Sessions for Internationals
Based on interest in applications, I will add additional live sessions for those in overseas time zones. Please apply if you are international and I will announce more information soon.
Who Can Join?
Women in the US and abroad ages 18+ are welcome to apply! A background in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and an understanding of the prophetic gift is encouraged, although we will have a basic intro to the prophetic during the mentorship.
If you are new to the prophetic, I encourage you to apply instead for my next upcoming Prophetic School, which will take place in 2024 (TBD).
To learn more about my ministry, the Embolden Co., please go here!
The step-by-step process
1. The first step is to fill out a short application so we can get you know you.
2. I will review your application and email you with more information within a week.
3. Spots are limited, so if you are accepted, you'll need to accept your invite ASAP to claim your spot!
4. Next, I will email you with more details about the mentorship.
5. We will get started!
Cost of the mentorship:
Early Bird Pricing: $450
Regular Pricing: $499
Payment plan:
Early Bird Pricing: 2 x monthly payments of $235
Regular pricing 2 x monthly payments of $250
Why this mentorship?
Carrying a promise from God is not easy. The process is often long, confusing, and lonely. But we aren't meant to journey through life alone. As women called to make an impact for the Kingdom of God and know and encounter Jesus intimately, we need to be intentional about our growth and calling. We often need the guidance of a mentor—someone who will support us in our impossible promises from God—someone who will believe with us and give us the support we need to cross the finish line.
We also need prophetic community. We need those who will pray with us, fight for us, and believe with us. We need others who will hear God for us. We are stronger together.
That's what the Prophetic Promises mentorship is all about.
I would be honored to support you during your process to the promises God has for you.
Mentorship Testimonies
“I thank God for Mariel! When I started my mentoring sessions with Mariel, she helped me figure out a few roadblocks in my walk with God. I feel more confident to step out into what God is calling me to do. Thank you Mariel for all your prayers and encouragement. Thank you for accepting the call and allowing God to use you to help other girls like myself.”
-Monica, California
This prophetic mentorship has been nothing but a HUGE gift and blessing from the Lord. It has been an honor and a privilege to walk alongside you and these women. I not only gained confidence in hearing from the Lord, I received breakthrough, healing, restoration, confirmation, signs and wonders, prophetic pictures and visions PLUS an unexpected blessing of a new community of sisterhood that I didn't know I needed with that we would be walking out this crazy faith of ours together and it doesn't end there. I am in awe of God and what He has done in our sessions, I pray that He secures and solidifies this sisterhood and can't wait to see the promises come to pass for each and every single lady. THANK YOU JESUS! HALLELUJAH! Thank you Mariel, you have a friend and sister in Christ in me. Love you big time!
- Carmen, Florida
I truly believe The Lord set this time aside for me to be a part of Mariel’s prophetic mentorship. Every time I saw her post about it, I just kept feeling like I should partake of it! That it would bless me, and allow The Lord to use this to speak into my situation. Going in to our first meeting, I prayed and asked The Lord what He wanted me to share. As I have a promise I have been waiting on, and I greatly treasure it, and whom I tell. I really felt a release to share with Mariel, and let me just tell you!! What happened from there was just amazing, and I knew I could 100% trust Mariel, and what she was speaking into my situation. It’s like He had gone ahead and already prepared us to meet, and for her to completely understand my situation!! How comforting! We laughed, we cried some, and it was just a joy to be encouraged and spoken over by Mariel. I now feel that I’m not alone, and I’m not the only person waiting on big promises! God IS doing BIG things! Mariel‘s faith and purity of heart is so beautiful; it was such a joy to glean from her, and seek the Lord together!
-Brittany, Texas
Mariel! I can't tell you how much I have needed this group that you started! Like I said in the comments on Tuesday, it has been an answered prayer for me. I have been struggling with hearing God's voice most of my life. I can count on one hand how many times I feel like I have heard Him. But since this group has started, I feel like I am hearing Him more clearly!!
- Emily, Alabama
Since starting the prophetic mentorship program I have regained confidence in using the gifts
of the Spirit that God has given me for the sake of others. I entered the course discouraged and somewhat bitter over life's circumstances and God has given me renewed vision, boldness and hope that His promises are truly YES and AMEN. I recommend this course for any woman wanting to deepen her relationship with the Lord and discover Him in a new way. I was relieved as a creative person to find such a Christ-focused community of support and new friendships. Looking forward to the next course!
- Kathryn
Mariel is sensible to Holy spirit and always share stories and show how God did in those cases helping us to see a new perspective, bringing hope and acting in a practical way. I recommend Mariel's Mentoring because she is able to help you to hear the Holy Spirit and asking the breakthrough questions you need. It was beneficial to understand there is hope and a new perspective beyond unanswered prayers. One of the greatest highlights for me was that I noticed that my waiting season has a reason and a purpose to the kingdom, but I needed to get dressed for the next season.
- Samara, Brazil
I knew I was meant to have Mariel as a mentor but I didn’t know what to expect. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I made this year. From the very first session, it was like interacting with an old friend. She was a safe space that God used to gently reveal His plans, advise, teach and provide support. Each session was Spirit led and left me hungry for more of Him, more of His will and with the reassurance of His great love for me. I received confirmation after confirmation as I saw what He spoke through her come to pass. Forever grateful for her obedience and the tangible evidence of what can be accomplished with a life laid down.
-Afesha, Trinidad and Tobago
I really appreciated how Mariel set the stage for the Holy Spirit to move and have His way each meeting. I went into the mentorship for more clarity on standing for a specific promise and left feeling not just encouraged but empowered with direction and support to finish the good fight.
I would highly recommend this mentorship to anyone, especially those that need help in making sense of this season or anyone who feels alone in their stand to see God perform His Word. The most beautiful thing is that Mariel lets God have His way and it shows. She genuinely wants you to see and hear God the way that you’re yearning to and she will help you to get there.
- Ashley, Louisiana
The mentorship gave me a safe place to talk about and lay out my process with the Lord lately. It was encouraging to also hear similar stories from Mariel about her own process. Her prayers and visions pertaining to my life gave me something new to hold on in this season.
- Stephany, Texas
This mentorship came at a perfect time. It was incredible to have so much support for my journey and to be able to process life with like-minded women. This safe space allowed me to face questions about my journey that I'd not had the strength to face on my own and facing them brought freedom.
Not only were specific words of encouragement given to me but the Holy Spirit did a deep work of restoring trust in Him and trusting my ability to hear Him. Thank you Mariel for everything ! What a blessing to have been part of this.
- Esther, France
Thanks Mariel for your openness to serve, listen to God and mentor me into my prophetic journey. If you're thinking about enrolling, don't hesitate. In this season of my life, I wanted to place God above everything else with a very conscious choice and He has definitely drawn me towards Him in a profound way, that I know whatever happens next will be His plan, strategy and purpose!
- Ava, U.K.
This mentorship is helpful for anyone wanting to go deeper in their walk with The Lord or pursue their destiny fully with clearer prophetic insight. Mariel's caring nature and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit provided guidance, counsel, and confirmation for me. She was the prophetic voice that helped me process through dreams and bring clarity to the things I believed The Lord had been speaking to me. I'm so thankful for her ministry!
- Sarah, Texas
Can I do the mentoship more than once?Yes! In fact, I have several mentees who have done multiple seasons of my prophetic mentorship!
Do you offer one to one sessions for women?Yes! I have limited availability for 1:1 sessions. Priority is given to those doing the group mentorship. Please email me at mariel@marielvillarreal.com.
What is your refund policy?A full refund will be issued if the mentorship is cancelled prior to the first session. No refunds will be issued after then. Thank you for understanding!

Mentorship and coaching sessions and between-session communication (“Coaching”) is for informational purposes only and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard on this Website or during Coaching.